Plan Confidence™

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Set your destination and adjust with the tides!

I wanted the peace and quiet away from technology. And I wanted to see some dolphins!

There was only one problem. We had some severe weather pass through on Friday. And there was still severe weather just south of Sarasota. This meant there were strong winds (which changed directions on me), larger than normal waves and a strong under current.

I pointed the bow towards my destination and paddled out of the calm, narrow waters of the inlet I launched from and out into the mouth of Sarasota Bay. The Gulf waters were choppy, the wind was in my face and I felt the under current pulling me out into the open waters away from my destination.

I knew I had two choices. One, paddle harder and fight the wind and unseen undercurrent. Two, paddle with the under current, taking me farther from my destination, until the current breaks and re-adjust my course.

Now I am not an extremely experienced kayaker. (I’m a cityboy from Chicago). I have only by kayaking on the open waters for about four years. But I have been doing this route long enough to know what my choice was going to be. When I was a novice, I would have just stayed the course and muscle through the wind and undercurrent and reach my destination exhausted and frustrated.

Since I have some experience, I knew that I would paddle with the under current taking me farther from my destination and increasing the distance between me and my goal. However, I would actually get to O’learys with better time while using up much less physical energy.

Mathematically, we know the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But sometimes, unseen forces like a head wind and an under current change the route to the destination. And you arrive at your destination happier, with more energy (resources) and much safer than the “shortest” route.

This applies to investing for your retirement as well. You need to set your date you want to retire (destination), create a plan (route) and adjust your plan as necessary as the markets (weather) change. But the last thing you do is change your destination. Roll with the tides. Get help from an experienced guide (adviser) and keep moving towards your goal.

Unfortunately, I did not see any dolphins. But I did have a great and relaxing experience on the open waters while getting exercise, fresh air and some quiet time.

I know that our current times are challenging because we have a lot of economic headwinds and under currents. But don’t change your destination. Paddle with the tides. The under currents and headwinds will eventually go away. We don’t know when, but you need to have faith that they will. You will reach your destination. And when you do, celebrate! Because you didn’t let the unseen change your goal.

Stay safe and healthy and confident!

-Kevin T Clark, RF

CEO & Co-Founder of Plan Confidence Corp