“Directions” for your retirement journey!

Earlier this week I packed up my car, got a coffee and drove from Sarasota, FL to Chicago, IL with my 15 year old daughter.

Now, I have made this drive many times when I used to run the “day to day” business of my financial advisory practice for three weeks in FL and spend one week in IL running all of my client appointments.

I know the route.

I know where the best coffee is at 3am and where the cleanest bathrooms are on the route.

I know what time to leave to avoid getting stuck in Atlanta traffic.

I am very confident that I can drive to and from Chicago without the help of my GPS.


I still turn it on. I still put in my address. I still check it periodically when I stop for gas.


1) I want to know if I am making good time and what the estimated time of my arrival is.

2) (Most importantly) if there are any accidents or heavy traffic, my GPS will recommend an alternative route so I can save time and not just sit on the highway not moving with the masses.

I can count on one hand how many times my GPS has re-routed me due to an unexpected traffic incident. (They were always around Nashville, TN for some reason).

But, each time, my GPS saved me hours of frustration of just sitting on the highway. My GPS knew there was trouble ahead and helped me avoid it.

My GPS found “side roads” to get me passed the incident.

My GPS knew my “plan” had a road block (literally) and showed me how to adjust my route to keep moving toward my goal.

My GPS gave me the confidence of knowing I can drive 1200 miles (one way), in the middle of the night, while staying on track, regardless of what lied ahead of me.

And that is EXACTLY what our software does for those investing in their 401k plans!

Stay confident my friends!

- ”Cousin Kevin” T Clark, RF

CEO & Co-founder of Plan Confidence Corporation

Kevin Clark