Plan Confidence Newsletter FEB 2020

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What a wild ride January 2020 was!

We had a lot of "headline risks." These are events that have the potential to move the market downwards. We started out the new year with our military killing an Iranian general in Iraq. Days later, the Iranians fired a dozen missiles at our army bases in the middle east. And then on January 20th, the Senate took the reigns in the impeachment trial of President Trump.  Shortly thereafter the headlines were dominated by the "Coronavirus" spreading from China to the United States.

All of this headline risk was too much for the markets to continue the momentum from 2019.

So, at Plan Confidence we will keep you informed of our views, let you know what we are telling our clients and (hopefully) give you the confidence to manage your assets. Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions, comments or compliments.  And please feel free to share this with any of your friends and family.

Make it a great February!

Kevin T Clark, RF
Co-Founder & CEO


The S&P 500 started off the month continuing the momentum from the tremendous returns of 2019.  It looked like we would be continuing the roaring market from last year! 

But markets hate uncertainty.  And once the Coronavirus headlines took over, the uncertainty was wide spread and the market selloff began!

So the S&P 500 ended up closing the month, basically where it started the year.  All of the gains were wiped out by the end of the month. 
And if your superstitious (like many people are on "Wall Street)” this is not good.  There is an old saying, "So goes January, so goes the year." 

Only time will tell if this old axiom will hold true!

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OK, let’s do something fun.  Here is a fun quiz about the "economics" of the Super Bowl!
CLICK HERE to take the quiz.
It only takes a few minutes and it will let you know the correct answers at the end.  And I took it and scored a 50%.  Which is way better than the Christmas quiz from last month!  LOL

So I challenge you to take the quiz and see if you score higher.  And be sure to email me or post on our Facebook page your score. Especially if you beat my score.  I'd love to hear about it!

Plan Confidence - January 2020

If you are using our ongoing, personalized advice service for your 401k / 403b plan, then you should have received an email and/or "push" notification (if you are using our app) on Thursday, January 2nd.

Regardless if you are using our "Strategic" or "Semi-Tactical" models, you were instructed to do a complete re-balance of your current assets.  You also would have been told to move your "Future Contributions" to: 

  • Intermediate Government

  • US Real Estate

The exact funds to use, and amounts, will be shown when you log into your account through any browser or the app.  And if your plan does not have a recommended category, then we will let you know the closest one available to you.

Do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about this service.


In honor of Valentine's Day!

Knock Knock

Who's there?


Olive who?

Olive you!

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Kevin Clark