Future Proof 2023

Last week at this time I was waking up to do something I have never done before.

I was going to start my day by doing a guided “sound bath” meditation at the Future Proof conference in Huntington Beach, CA.

I was a little tired from flying through 3 time zones and staying up past my bedtime at the Morningstar cocktail party on the rooftop of my hotel.

For those that don’t know, I run a very unique RIA.

We have the only RIA that can provide ongoing, personalized (ERISA Compliant) 401k advice to any one of the 100,000,000 hard working Americans investing in their employer’s retirement plan.

We also re-license the technology to other RIAs who want to provide the same “white-labeled” service to their clients.

I signed up to attend the Future Proof Conference to meet potential technology partners that can help us with onboarding new clients and (hopefully) allow us to trade the accounts directly with custodians.

I walked away from the conference with a newly inspired hope of what our industry has to offer.

Put aside that (it seemed) every other vendor had some sort of “AI” solution for advisors (which seems to be a buzzword that is not being adapted by our industry yet).

I met so many great individuals who think they may be able to help with improving our onboarding. (I will know more this week as I look at demos from many of them).

I also found a few individuals who claim they will be able to help us complete the trades directly from our software.

This would cut out a tremendous sticking point that we have now, as all of our trades go through “individually” through third party software (Pontera) which is very time consuming.

My dream of being able to deliver ERISA compliant, personalized advice and trading with a “One-Click” button may finally be realized.

Once it is, we will be able to dramatically enhance the lives of any one of the 100,000,000 hard-working Americans and the 300,000 advisors currently serving them.

I left the Future Proof Conference more inspired and hopeful for our industry than I have in years.

The ability to manage “held away” 401k accounts, just like one manages their brokerage accounts, is almost here.

The revolution has just begun!

Thank you Future Proof!!

Kevin T Clark, RF™ is the CEO and Co-founder of Plan Confidence Corporation.

Kevin is an ERISA Nerd and one of only a hundred(ish) Dalbar certified Registered Fiduciaries (RF™) in the United States.

He has been helping hard working Americans invest their money since 1997!

Plan Confidence Corporaiton is an SEC registered investment firm specializing in providing advice to hard-working Americans investing in their employer’s retirement plans (401k, 403b, TSP, etc).

#401kAdvice #403bAdvice #TSPadvice #BeConfident #got401k

Kevin Clark