Compliance & Operations

Compliance: Your ADV & Agreements.

It’s important to review your legal agreements prior to providing any ERISA compliant advice.

Watch the short video to the left and review the sample language below to ensure you have your compliance “ducks in a row” before enrolling any of your clients in our software.

Compliance: ERISA Rules & Regulations.

There are strict rules and regulations from the Department of Labor regarding advising ERISA accounts (ie; 401k participants).

An adviser just can’t write percentages on a quarterly statement or do an “on the spot” review at an annual meeting.

Once you know the rules and regulations, you will be able to use them to set yourself apart from your competition.

Operations: Our Models.

“Models” are the asset allocation strategy used as the foundation to provide advice to your clients.

We currently have five strategic and three “semi-tactical” built into our software for you to use at no additional charge.

Operations: Your Models.

If you currently manage qualified money and have your own investment strategy, you may want to consider using your models. We have the only software available that can overlay your asset allocation strategies over all of your client’s “held away” accounts.

Our software keeps you ERISA compliant and can do in seconds what would take you hours. Watch the video to the left if you are interested in how to run your own models.

Operations: Future Contributions & Current Allocations.

A tremendously powerful feature of a defined contribution plan is the fact there is money going in with every paycheck.

We have the only software available that can deliver separate advice for the money currently in the plan (Current Allocations) and the money going in with their paycheck (Future Contributions).

Operations: Your Pricing.

The number one factor in determining the success of providing advice on “held away” accounts is your pricing.

ERISA allows you to charge your clients a fee that MUST be “reasonable in light of services rendered”.

Figuring out your pricing PRIOR to starting is required for marketing and compliance purposes.