Check the air in your tires!

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I live in Sarasota FL and it has been EXTREMELY HOT for the past couple of weeks. I haven’t been driving much lately due to the Coronavirus. But on July 1st, I decided that I would start going to back to the gym that I love 4 times per week.

Now for me to get to the gym, I have a 15 minute drive on I-75, where the average speed is about 80 MPH. And since I haven’t really driven any distance in awhile, I thought that I should check the air pressure in my tires. Simple science has proved that air expands when it is heated. I don’t want to be on the highway (or any street for that matter) and have my tire blowout because it is over-inflated.

I get my car serviced regularly (every 7500 miles). They check the tires when I get serviced. But, since I am not driving as much, I decided to make sure that all of my tires were properly inflated as it will be awhile until I drive 7500 miles. I needed to check for my own peace of mind.

So, what does all of this have to do with a financial blog?

It’s all about controlling risk. My “normal” circumstances changed (driving less and extreme heat).

So, I had to double check I was safe.

I could not wait for my next 7500 mile check up, as I don’t know when that will be.

The same thing is true with your 401k allocations. We are not in "normal” times. You need to double check your risk.

Risk can be managed. Returns cannot be.

Don’t wait to get back to “normal” to check on your portfolio. Check it now. Circumstances have changed.

And while you’re at. Check your tires too. You don’t want a “blowout” in your portfolio or your tires!

Just a little tip from your “Cousin Kevin”! Stay confident, safe and healthy my friends!

-Kevin T Clark, RF

CEO & Co-Founder (aka “Cousin Kevin”)

Kevin Clark