Back to School!

Back to the grind!

Back to school means back to the grind for hundreds of millions of Americans.

Unofficially, “summer” begins on Memorial Day and ends on Labor Day.

I know firsthand, that “summer” gets a little slow in the office, as I have been a financial adviser since 1997.

Many of my clients would take off on vacations, would want to hang out at the pool or lake, spend more time with their kids and overall just did not want to meet with their financial adviser during the summer.

As such, many of the advisers I know would also plan their vacations, hang with their kids and go to the pool/beach during the “summer” as well.

But after Labor Day, it seems that something shifts in the mindsets of advisers and our clients.

It seems that more attention returns to work and planning for the future.

So, as we wind down August and rapidly head to Labor Day, just know that we are ready to help advisers and their clients with our unique software to provide ongoing 401k advice.

We did not take the summer off. (However, I did work from a boat several times when I didn’t have Zoom calls scheduled).

I have seen a pick up of new plans and participants being added to our software over the past week or so.

It seems that many more Americans are looking for professional and ongoing advice for their 401k and 403b plans during the “summer”.

This means that we are preparing for an avalanche of new clients after Labor Day.

So, I hope that you appreciate the last week or so of “summer” as I know I will.

Go watch a sunset.

Go to the beach.

Enjoy the time with the kids before they get bogged down with too much homework (or not enough - lol).

And let me be the first to wish you a very happy end to “summer”!

-Kevin T Clark, RF

CEO & Co-founder of Plan Confidence Corp.

Kevin Clark